
Bank Job

Duit-duit dimana kau duit.Ada yang panggil pitis,ada yang panggil dollar.

Bank job is not a 2008 British crime film based on the 1971 Baker Street robbery in central London from which the money and valuables stolen were never recovered. The producers allege that the story was prevented from being told because of a DA-Notice government gagging request, allegedly to protect a prominent member of the British Royal Family.

This is about the hub of Georgetown's financial district.Kat sinilah dulu tempat aku ronda.This is my turf.At the turn of the 19th century, the northern section of Beach Street were the ‘high street’ where the ‘modern’ European emporium and stores selling imported merchandise were situated.

Among the early foreign companies that located their offices on Beach Street were the Netherlands Trading Society, the Chartered Bank, Boustead & Co., Guthne & Co., Caldbeck & Macgregor, Behn Meyer, G.H. Slot and the stores of Pritchard & Co., Whiteaway, Laidlaw & Co., and others.

Among the local businesses that were established here during this period were H.M. Nooradin, Tiang Lee & Co., Guan Lee Hin Steamship, Tye Sin Tat, Pinang Sales Room, Koe Guan and others. Penang’s first petroleum lamps were installed on this section of Beach Street by Huttenbach & Co..

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