
malam sabtu

Hujan masih renyai-renyai.Aku dok kat bilik lagi sambil tengok siling and start to dream.

HOney you are the sea upon which I float.

Honey you are a rock upon which I stand.And I come here to talk.I hope you understand.

I come here with a load and it feel so much lighter Now I meet you.And Honey you should know that I could never go on without you.

sincerely with love

thank you for your patience and support(promise to be sopan santun)

Betoila depa kata : only love can conquer hate in every situation sambil struming gitar kapok.

Taken frm "Green Eyes "-3;43 -2002 A rush of blood to the Head Coldplay

petang sabtu

Salam perjuangan.

Hujan tak berhenti dari pagi tadi.kepala aku dok pening akibat bunyi atap zink .Atas firasat pak belalang negara kita akan menghadapi banjir macam roti canai bubuh kuah banjir.Roti canai pon harga telah mendadak naik sejak kebalakangan ini tak seprti harga saham yang menjunam keparas terendah tak ikut pula harga tepung,gula dan petrol.Dimanakah kebebasan kita sebagai pengguna.Atas nama Demokrasi jadi manipulasi.Massacre in Mumbai.Kejam,hancuss.

Aku bukannya tak bersyukur cuma aku berpendapat bahawa rumah dah siap tapi pahat masih berbunyi.Depa punya la hinggaq dok buat kacau sana sini.PRU 12 pon dah habih apalah kejadah hangpa dok berkelai.Seperi kata orang tua bersatu kita teguh bercerai kita roboh.Jangan la ada sikitul yang dok buat onak canang sana sini kat portugis.APalah punya kamjat pekung didada dibuka bagi bau kat depa. Atas nama demokrasi,humanity,or apa lagi ideologi barat yang diserap pada mereka.Jadi diharap pada bulan disember ini tiada lagi kejadian Tsunami seperti 2004.Bagi la aku rilex pulak.dah lama dah aku nakpi bercuti tapi takdak peluang.

Keja,kerja,kerja tak jugak kaya.Yang dok kaya sarip dol gengster kampung dodoi.Kroni dan proxy ja dapat habuan.aaaaaaaaarghhh i need a holiday.Oye Como Va.

Background theme song: Sly & the family stone (If u want me to stay) ost The Original Gangsters (Dead Presidents)


If 6 was 9

  • If the sun refused to shine - I dont mind, I dont mind.

  • Got my own world to live through and uh, ha !And I aint gonna copy you.

  • If all the hippies cut off all their hair Oh I dont care, oh I dont care.

White collar conservative flashin down the street Pointin their plastic finger at me, ha !
Go ahead on mister business man, you cant dress like me Yeah !

Dont nobody know what Im talkin about Ive got my own life to live

Im the one thats gonna die when its time for me to die

So let me live my life the way I want toYeah,

sing on brother, play on drummer.

Birthday boy Tribute to Johnny Allen Hendrix (November 27, 1942 – September 18, 1970)

Jam menunjukkan pukul 9pagi bukannya pukul 6 la.Awat hang bangun lambat sangat dah lambat nakpi keje ni.Banyak lagi belum deliver la thambi.Palat betoi....patut kena bangun awai.cheh melepas la lagi.smlm tengok Liverpool balun Marseille hehehehe padan muka aku.

(monolog dalaman berwarna jingga mcm spender aku)



Selamat pagi dunia.

Pagi ni masa aku baca suratkhabar lama.

  • An anti-WiFi group has been formed to hold signature drive against the Wireless@Penang Project that was launched on 18.9.08 a project under REDTone Hotgate Consortium.

  • Free broadband internet services cover 750 hotspot.

  • WiMax@Penang will cover late Sept.Lagi besar akan mai.

  • Austrian Medical Association is pressing for ban on WiFi in schools.

  • A WiMax tower will emit RF as far as 50km adverse effect such as higher cancer risks,headaches,nausea,lack of concentration,depression,allergy,behavioural changes and chromosomol abnormalities to sensitive people.(Dr Gerd Oberfeld Austria head of enviromental health medicine)

Patutla aku rasa lain macam sebab ataih kepala aku ada antena.la isla bonita apa nak jadi?So lets jugle and find chi between healthcheck and profit making.Businessman still drink my tehtarik.

Apakah pandangan anda yang arif lagi bijaksana.

"The State has ignored our rights as we will exposed to WiFi 24 hrs a day regardless of whether we want to or not" Ding Thoun Yee.

Apa lagi tunggu ........


Bila aku 64

Selamat pagi dunia.

Diterjemahkan kebahasa ibunda (maaf jika salah tafsir dan salahfaham) wanekam.

Imagin belatarbelakang ataih moto ex5 on the way to opis.Tapi hangpa jangan dok imagine aku yang dok bertengek ataih pokot tu.Let me intro to my friend nama dia johnpaulgeorgeringgo.Nicetomeet you.

  • Bila aku dah tua dan hilang rambut,bertahun lama dari sekarang.

  • Adakah hang nak hantaq valentine kad,ucapan harijadi dan botol todi.

  • AKu keluaq malam balik pukul 3 pagi,hang kunci pintu.

  • Masihkah hang perlu aku,masihkan hang bagi aku makan.

  • Masa umuq aku 64.

  • Hang pon akan tua jugak,jika sebut perkataan itu,aku dok dengan hang.

  • Aku boleh jadi pomen repair fuse terbakaq bila mentol padam.

  • Dok berkebun tanam weed,boleh hang tanya lagi.

  • Send me a postcard, drop me a line,Stating point of view

  • Indicate precisely what you mean to say

  • Yours sincerely.

Paul hang punya lirik ni laku sampai lanii.tima kasih bro.kadang2 aku dok pikiaq juga bila umuq aku 64 masihkah aku dok blogging ni sebab ketagih.Dok update jendela ni.mesti time tu tangan aku dok terketaq taip punat dan mata pon tak boleh nampak.Lepaih tu aku panggil cucu aku ajaq ronda turun town tak pon pi tepi laut.ada kelas wow.pi turf club pekena taik kuda.

Will you still need me, will you still feed me,When i'm sixty-four.

When im 64 Di rekod pada 6.12.1966 oleh di Beatles



  • Kata orang tua sepandai-pandai tupai melompat akhirnya jatuh ketanah juga.

Hari ini aku rasa tupai pon dah tak pandai melompat depa pon tak tau jatuh la kot.Dalam kepuasan menulis aku tak pernah puas.Manusia ini susah untuk memuaskan diri masing-masing kerana setiap perkara ada ruang untuk membaiki diri.Setiap hari ada saja benda baru kita belajaq.Dan aku pernah terbaca tentang anugerah Allah s.w.t apabila kita dikurniakan kehidupan pada hari itu,maka hidup ini umpama bonus.Setiap hari adalah bonus,jadi kita kena gunakan pada tahap maksimum dan bersyukur kepadaNya.

  • Pada waktu dan ketika ini aku amat bersyukur dan warna hijau telah memberikan kepuasan dan impak maksima. Jadi tema hari ini adalah hijau.Go green my brother.Dunia yang tiada rimba seumpama hamba.Ku lihat hijau

All art,all education can be merely a supplement to nature- ARISTOTLE

Syed Alatas Mansion

Selamat pagi dunia.

  • Tuan-tuan dan puan-puan,ladies and gentlemen,tukang batu tukang simen jom kesatu tempat dimana kemasyhuran dan ketamadunan islam bermula yang bertapak di tanah mutiara pada kurun ke 19.Syed Al Atas Mansion yang telah direstorasi oleh pakar konserversi dari Peranchis En Diddier pada tahun 1993.
  • Rumah Syed Al -Atas di Jalan Armenian merupakan simbol dan liku-liku sejarah di tanah air yang ku cinta ini.Banyak yang dapat kita belajar mengenai akar umbi dan asal usul kita.Oleh demekian pada musim depa berkhatan ,kita jalan-jalan sambil cari makan dan selongkar khazanah yang kaya raya ini.Heritage betoi macam kata canyoukira nice photoshot of carribean blue.Apa makna heritage dalam bahasa melayu,hang pikiaq lah.

  • Aku terkejut beruk juga tengok orang dulu-dulu bela rimau respek tengok gambaq tokcik tu.terpikiaq gak aku kalau masa tu aku nakalz dah tentu aku kena baham dek rimau tuu.hehehehe.teringin jugak aku nak bela sekoq singa sebagai azimat.sapa dok buat lece aku soh ja sang singa tu makan hangpa.mmm goreng pon sodap.


SOS Residents of Jalan Thorpe

Selamat Pagi dunia.
Semalam aku dapat surat ni dan hari ini aku ingin meluahkan isi surat ini.Semoga pembaca dapat menyokong usaha murni penduduk Jalan Thorpe.Terima kasih.

Dr Alex Lim Kheng Seng & All Residents of Jalan Thorpe

17 November 2008

Dear Y.B Tuan Lim Guan Eng Chief Minister of Penang.

Re :Objection to the Proposed Access Road Connecting Goverments Quarters to Jalan Thorpe.

We were informed by your officer on 13/11/08 that an access road will be built connecting the government quarters to Jalan Thorpe.We the residents object to this access road as it will affect our welfare and our safety.This will cause effect and the justification described below.
  1. Noise and air polution
  2. Road and safety compromised
  3. Crime rate will go up
  4. This access road is dangerous.

We sincerely hope the Kerajaan negeri Pulau Pinang will listen to the residents of Jalan Thorpe and Jalan Kenedy not to open this access road for the safety of the residents and road users.

Thank you

Yours sincerely

Dr Alex Lim Kheng Seng & all Residents.

p/s Need your supports by signing letter of petition.


Where the streets have no name

Selamat pagi dunia.

Tajuk hari ini aku nak bawa tajuk album Joshua Tree U2.Where the streets have no name (dimana nama jalan tiada nama).
Where the streets have no name adalah berkisahkan tahun 1987 dimana Mas Bono was inspired to write the lyrics by the notion that it's possible to identify a person's religion by the street on which they lived, particularly in Belfast Ireland and also their income depending upon the part of the street.

Tapi di mutiara depa dok bergaduh nak letak nama jalan kebahasa masing-masing,apalah punya jendul.The important thing is to get there kiasu.Aku tak paham siknifikasi dan justifikasinya?Perabih taxpayers money.woi hang ingat duit tumbuh ataih pokok baobab ka?

I want to run I want to hide I want to tear down the walls That hold me inside

I want to reach out And touch the flame

I want to feel sunlight on my face
I see the dust cloud disappear Without a trace

I want to take shelter from the poison rain.

Where the streets have no name
first time played live: 1987-03-27: Liquor Store Rooftop, Los Angeles,California
last time played live: 2007-05-20: Palais des Festival, Cannes, France


Bank Job

Duit-duit dimana kau duit.Ada yang panggil pitis,ada yang panggil dollar.

Bank job is not a 2008 British crime film based on the 1971 Baker Street robbery in central London from which the money and valuables stolen were never recovered. The producers allege that the story was prevented from being told because of a DA-Notice government gagging request, allegedly to protect a prominent member of the British Royal Family.

This is about the hub of Georgetown's financial district.Kat sinilah dulu tempat aku ronda.This is my turf.At the turn of the 19th century, the northern section of Beach Street were the ‘high street’ where the ‘modern’ European emporium and stores selling imported merchandise were situated.

Among the early foreign companies that located their offices on Beach Street were the Netherlands Trading Society, the Chartered Bank, Boustead & Co., Guthne & Co., Caldbeck & Macgregor, Behn Meyer, G.H. Slot and the stores of Pritchard & Co., Whiteaway, Laidlaw & Co., and others.

Among the local businesses that were established here during this period were H.M. Nooradin, Tiang Lee & Co., Guan Lee Hin Steamship, Tye Sin Tat, Pinang Sales Room, Koe Guan and others. Penang’s first petroleum lamps were installed on this section of Beach Street by Huttenbach & Co..



Mataku masih belum dapatku lelapkan lagi.keringat didahi ku bercucuran.Dengupan jantungku bertambah kuat.Jam telah pun menunjukkan detik pukul 3 pagi.OOh kenapakah aku masih terbayang ruang kosong itu.Kedengaran hujan pun mulai turun.Segera aku bangun dan meletakkan baldi diruang tamu kerana air hujan telah menitits tanpa ku duga telah membasahi ruang lantai dapurku.Kedebumm bunyi kilat dan halilintar yang hinggap di jendelaku.Cahaya itu terbang laju.Aku terkejut dan melemparkan baldi ku.Si comot juga keluar dari tempat sembunyi dan dari sofa yang empuk itu.Staying Alive lagu dari Bee Gees pon dah tidak tergiang di halwa telinggaku.

Tanpa ku menghiraukan cahaya itu.aku pon pergi membuang air besar kerana dah tak tahan lagi sebab makan rojak tadi.Walau ceta (JM mcm Jendela mUtiara ehh)Jerry Maguire(1996)dah dekat penghujung aku masih tak kesah . I will not rest until I have you holding a Coke, wearing your own shoe, playing a Sega game *featuring you*, while singing your own song in a new commercial, *starring you*, broadcast during the Superbowl, in a game that you are winning, and I will not *sleep* until that happens. I'll give you fifteen minutes to call me back.

Fatamorgana ku pun bermula selagi itu,biar gengam bara api hingga menjadi arang batu.Apakah dia,siapakah Estella yang bermain difikiran aku ini,kenapakah ruang kosong itu masih belum diisi.Petang ini aku akan menyiasat banglo usang didalam kota.Banyak yang kudengar dari ceta orang kampung tentang banglo usang itu kepunyaan doktor itu yang bernilai 5 juta kerana pernah menjadi tempat pembuangan bayi pada masa dulu.Misteri ini akan terungkap tapi bagilah aku nyalakan curut Cuba nii dulu sambil menghirup Kopi O Hang Tuah.Ohh Estella sedapnya nama enko sesedap kopi o dan biskut merry.

Dari meja editor division CSi Mutiara Vice.
(Monday blues)lunch pi Sifu Omar sapa mau ikut heheheheh.Damn Dirty Ape cincalok Man U kena lagi dengan Arsenal.



Hujung minggu pon nak mai sok dalam benak mindaku berkata:

  1. Apa plan bro?(tiba0tiba muncul mentol ataih kepala)

  2. Dok umah basuh kain,cuci jamban,bagi makan rimau.lap lantai atau tido zzzzz.

  3. Dalam dok mencanggok dan guna sempua buat kira-kira dalam dapo apa kata kita pi layan wayang gambaq yang depa tayang lani.Adalah lima kupang dalam poket.

  4. Ohhh Olga Kurylenko berkurun lama sungguh kita takpi tempat gelap ni berkhalwat,rasa-rasa masam latest movie aku Max Payne kot.

  5. Kesimpulannya ceta yang baru keluaq Quantum of Solace.Maka dengan itu di ishtiharkan menonton wayang adalah subjek dan makan rojak adalah prediket.

Wright examines the techniques of intelligence services, exposes their ethics (speculative until that time), notably their 11th Commandment: Thou shalt not get caught, and explains many MI5 electronic technologies (some of which he developed) allowing clever spying into rooms.

Wright was barred from receiving royalties from the sale of the book in the United Kingdom. In November 1991, the European Court of Human Rights ruled that the British Government had breached the European Convention of Human Rights.The book has sold more than two million copies.[2]; in 1995, Peter Wright died a millionaire from profits of his book.[6].


Padang Kota

Bon Journo Bloggers of the world
Hari ini aku nak tribute lagi satu padang,terkonang dulu aku dok main wau kat padang ni dengan sepupu sepappat aku(lagi-lagi padang ,mamu ni menteri padang kot).Alkisahnya sedang aku dok berjoging kat Fort Cornwallis untuk menguatkan lutut aku yang dah tercabut ni aku menyaksikan satu festival yang julung-julung diadakan walaupun tiada promosi hebat diadakan sehinggakan member aku dlm CM opis pon tak berapa aware.Aku rasa budget depa dah kering kontang kot atau depa tengah merayakan kemenangan Bung Hussein Obama.
Rupa-rupanya pada bulan November Rain bukan lagu Guns&Roses banyak acara sukan yang akan diadakan.Selain dari Penang Bridge International Marathon pada Ahad 16th November ini satu lagi King of Tennis di Esplanade atau nana tanjung panggil Padang Kota. Damn terlepaih lagi aku sebab kecederaan lutut.Butiran spt berikut:
  1. Tempat :The Esplanade, Georgetown City( A World Heritage City)
  2. Harga Tiket : RM203 (fuyo mahainya, sponsor bolehka)
  3. Tarikh :14-16 Nov 2008 (Jumaat 3pm)
  4. Pasukan Amerika :Roy Emerson (C),John McEnroe,Marcelo Rios,Pete Sampras
  5. Pasukan Eropah :Ilie Nastase(C),Bjorn Borg,Stefan Edberg,Mats Wilanders.

On the first two days of the event, there will be two singles matches and one doubles match respectively while on the final day, there will be four singles matches.

So sapa-sapa yang teringin nak tengok sultan Tennis jemputlah mai,tempat duduk kapasiti 13000(bolehkah CEO kita bermain tennis?kuangkuangkuang).Kalau ada yang baik hati sponsorlah tiket kat saya ni.hehehe.caring is sharing keprihatinan.Majulah sukan untuk Negara dari bilik berita sukan Mutiara Tv.



Guten Tag.

Sekali lagi Mutiara FM ke udara lagi.Sekarang berkumandang Kiss Of Life dari Sade.Lagu ini diminta oleh pendengar kita mamu iscobar@gmail.com dengan ucapan kenang daku dalam doamu.pandu cermat jiwa selamat.
  1. Look at the sky It's the color of love
  2. There must have been an angel by my side
  3. Something heavenly came down from above
  4. He led me to you
  5. He built a bridge to your heart All the way
  6. How many tons of love inside I can't say

When I was led to you I knew you were the one for me I swear the whole world could feel my heartbeat When I lay eyes on you Ay ay ay You wrapped me up in The color of love.


Swatow Lane

Salam bloggers

Hari ni aku nak relax dari kepala otak yang stress ni.So jom chill kat Swatow Lane dan pekena ice kacang ni.Depa dah renovate tempat ni so dah takdak feel ool skool mcm dulu.Mamak mee sultan dan popia basah tu lama dah tak nampak agaknya dia frust kot.Smashing pumpkin betoi.

Padang Polo

Salam bloggers

Tribute to Padang Polo yang telah meragut lutut aku.Aku merindui kat padang ini walaupun ia telah curang padaku.Hehehehe(gelak jahatz)


The Scientist by Coldplay

Guten morgen bloggers where ever u are.

Like every other day,the morning give power to the people.The sunrise is beautiful and such a bliss to menyedup udara segar and smell of the morning breeze that keep me alive and kicking.
Syukur Alhamdullilah.Go back to basic.thats the key and ingredient to know your akar umbi.Pandanglah sekeliling anda,bulan,bintang,matahari,udara,air semua adalah kehidupan.

Mutiara FM sekali lagi membawa anda ke udara pagi ini dengan lagu dari kumpulan Coldplay-the Scientist.Harap kamu semua bergumbira dan berhibur halwa telinga.Smell the flower while u can.

  1. Come up to meet you, tell you I'm sorry

  2. You don't know how lovely you are

  3. I had to find you Tell you I need you Tell you I've set you apart

  4. Tell me your secrets And ask me your questions

  5. Oh, let's go back to the start

  6. Running in circles Coming up tails Heads on the science apart

  7. Nobody said it was easy It's such a shame for us to part

  8. Nobody said it was easy No one ever said it would be this hard

  9. Oh take me back to the start.
Chris Martin wrote "The Scientist" after listening to George Harrison's "All Things Must Pass".[1] In an interview with Rolling Stone, Martin revealed that while working on the band's second album, A Rush of Blood to the Head, he knew that the album was missing something.[2] One night, during a stay in Liverpool,[3] Martin found an old piano, that, according to him, was out of 'tune'.[2] He wanted to work on George Harrison's song "Isn't It a Pity", but he couldn't manage to do so. When the song came to Martin, he asked that the recorder be turned on.[2] He concludes with saying that he came across this chord sequence and noted that the chord was 'lovely'.[4] Martin recorded the vocals and piano takes in a studio in Liverpool.[5]

Talking about the album, Martin said: "That's just about girls. It's weird that whatever else is on your mind, whether it's the downfall of global economics or terrible environmental troubles, the thing that always gets you most is when you fancy someone."[6]