Today is a great number 121208.Hope my lucky star will shine as bright as De Beers.
Vorsprung durch Technik (Advancement through Technology), is the main strapline and company ethos for the German car maker Audi.This is not commentary on consumerism and commercialism, featuring advertising slogans of several well-known companies as verses.Be all that you can be,Be a winner.Eat to get slimmer.This is about .......losing all hope is freedom..sambil melihat keluar jendelaku dan memikirkan bagaimana nak jual aiskrim kat orang eskimo.I need my ball roling and get the job done.Businessman still drink my wine.Where is my marketing Guru when i need em?
The Edge notes "that sense that you were getting bombarded with so much that you actually were finding yourself shutting down and unable to respond because there was so much imagery and information being thrown at you.
You're not your job. You're not how much money you have in the bank. You're not the car you drive. You're not the contents of your wallet. You're not your $#@%ing khakis. We are the all-singing, all-dancing crap of the world.Pinjam sat kat Mr Durden.ahkahkahkah Bik MAMAmia.
Sambil menyanyi Zooropa lalalala kerjala sabun di bilik mandi here is my new project.Ente jual unta lagi senang dari jual sabun......Mischief... Mayhem... Soap
susah-susah jual spender pun lagi baik...lagi menguntungkan...hihihihi
susah gak madem sebab byk kaler dan saiz.hihihi
oh itu boleh di uruskan....asalkan elasticity...beres!
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