Semalam sebelum aku masuk tido.aku terbuka tv dan terlihat satu permandangan yang indah dan satu fenomena yang tidak dapat di ucapkan dengan kata-kata.Berjuta umat manusia tertumpu disatu sudut di atas muka bumi ini.Mekah.untuk mengerjakan terawih.Fenomena sungguh terharu dan indah dan semua umat manusia adalah sama sahaja.Dan aku pun terbaca satu artikel dari seorang saudara baru yang dipaparkan dibawah.Semoga kita mendapat keberkatan di bulan yang mulia ini.
An American in MakkahThe Hajj experience of convert Michael Wolfe
I am a Muslim. I revere the same God as my Christian mother and my Jewish father. Allah is simply the Arabic word for the God of Abraham, Moses and Jesus. I find the absence of priests and rabbis attractive. Islam means acknowledging the oneness of God, surrendering to it, cooperating with the way things are. Being a Muslim, God is as near as the veins in my neck. During the Hajj each year, millions of faithful come to Mecca. The men and women wear simple lengths of unstitched cloth. The garments are a symbol. The person who wears them agrees not to harm plants and animals or fellow pilgrims. No arguments, no violence. We agree to keep the peace. The garments are a great leveler too. Who can tell rich from poor? Millions Descend on Mecca Here I join people from all over the earth, all these human beings drawn together by the call of an idea, by the oneness of God. We have left daily life behind and come to a place hardly belonging to this world, a place filled by the almost tangible presence of God. To preserve its sanctity and protect pilgrims, the sacred territory around Mecca is forbidden to all but Muslims. It lies hidden in the mountains of Saudi Arabia 50 miles from the Red Sea, a modern city of 1.2 million people. To walk around the block in Mecca is to walk around the world. I step out the door and for 15 yards, I’m in Indonesia. Down the street past a couple of stores and it’s Africa. Pakistan is just around the corner and then I’m in Bangladesh. A vast majority of the world’s one billion Muslims—80 percent—now live outside the Middle East. There are more than five million in the United States.
Muslims Perform Sacred Duties The duties of the Hajj are symbolic of the story and obligations of Islam. Before prayer, Muslims wash, representing ritual purity. The walk around the Ka’ba—the black stone block in the great mosque—is an expression of our desire to put God at the center of our lives. Pilgrims also make a journey to Mina and to the plain of Arafat, 13 miles outside of Mecca. Making our way on foot, we trade city streets and buildings for tents and carpets on the sand of the barren plain, giving up our usual comforts, getting back to basics. On the plain of Arafat, we perform the central obligation of the pilgrimage, to be here together from noon until sunset. There is no ceremony. We stroll, we pray, we meditate. The Hajj goes on inside the hearts and thoughts of each of us. This is a rehearsal for that day of judgment. How will we account for our acts? Have I injured anyone? Have I been grateful enough for the simple gifts of life, water, food, friends, family and the air I breath? Before leaving Mecca, we visit the Ka’ba one last time. For most of us, this will be our last glimpse of the shrine. There is an old proverb—before you visit Mecca, it beckons you. When you leave it behind, it calls you forever.
1 comment:
Salam mamu...
Its really true about the old proverb..
'before you visit Mecca, it beckons you. When you leave it behind, it calls you forever'Insyallah.
For me i will always miss that holy place.The beautiful structure of Kaabah is trully magnificient by it self.When i look at it,automatically my eyes will cry and i felt so content that HE gives me chance to visit HIS holy place.
Last year i got the chance to perform umrah in the month of ramadhan with two friends of mine.We touch down@Jeddah airport maghrib,arrived hotel isyak.Then without any delay,i quickly grab my ihram then make an arragement to Masjidil al-Haram.When i arrived there,all our brother and sister of islam was about to finnish their was a sight to remember.Macam2 rupa,kaler,bangsa,orang tapi semuanya sujud pada Tuhan yang satu.I cried..begitu kecilnya diri ini dibandingkan kebesaran Allah.Walaupun ramai dan penuh masjidil al haram tapi dipermudahkan segala ibadah kita dengan yang tenang.
This year May08,i brought my wife that was 5month pregnant for umrah.Financially i have nothing left in my pocket.All my money CPO sudah kena sedut.What left is only enough to sustain for 2month.But i made a decission to bring her for umrah no matter what because i know if we are not STINGY towards Allah,insyaallah DIA juga tak akan kedekut dan lokek dengan rezeki dan rahmatNya.PadaNya lah kepunyaan rezeki.Alhamdullillah everything when smooth.i remember my lovely wife said to me in front of kaabah,-'Allah akan uji kita dengan apa yang kita paling sayang.Kalau tuhan nak tarik apa apa dari kita,kita harus redha karna semuanya punya DIA.'I couldnt sleep thinking of that statement.
If i have enough money,slowly but surely i want to perform haj,insyaallah.
For now,malam ramadhan,bukak tv,tengok dalam tv pun jadilah.terubat rindu di hati.
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