One of the two Lions Of Penang ( a quaintly early term for a tourist attraction) in early Penang,the Waterfall plunges in a succession of torrent over granite rock faces.The Waterfall was one of the historical sources of water for Georgetown.The environment of the waterfall is still verdant with plants,amongst them the Tacca Chartrieri (black Lily) and Fimiana Fulgens.Today the Waterfall is still to be seen in its glory and is being restored to its importance as a tourist attraction.
- Excerpt from 1988 site description signboard
70.88 m above sea level.
- Dibuka kepada awam bersempena HAri Air Sedunia pd 12 April 2009.Ayaq inilah ibu segala ayaq yang bagi sedap seluruh nasik kandaq,cendol,murtabak dan segala macam syoru yang sempoi.Tabik.Jadi jimatlah air itu kegunaan semua.Basuh baju bila perlu,dan jangan dok flush,tunggu sampai jamban tu jadi kaler oren.Cuci keta pakai timba dan kalau nak siram pokok pakai la ayaq recycle.(air bersiang ikan atau ayaq liuq .Pesanan dari PBA
Tima kacih .u pon lawa gak.hehehe
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